Private School And Educational İnstitutions Representatives Gather At Nazilli Chamber Of Commerce

Private School And Educational İnstitutions Representatives Gather At Nazilli Chamber Of Commerce

A sector meeting was held in our room to discuss the problems of Private Education İnstitutions registered in the 9th profession group.

The meeting was held by President of the Board of Directors Nuri Arslan, Presidentof the 9th Group Professional Committee Belgin Artam, and General Coordinator Eray Rüştü Taka.

İn the meeting attended by the managers of Special Education İnstitutions in Nazilli and the surrounding district, the economic problems experienced due to the ongoing pandemic process were expressed. Speaking at the meeting, 9th Group Committee President Belgin Artam said, “The closure of the schools, the inability to obtain new registrations with the concern of continuing the pandemic process, our expenses, especially the compulsory rent, and the approaching of the repayment periods of the loans received during the pandemic process are among our main problems. Considering the families for whom the employed personnel are responsible, we find it difficult to bear the responsibility and weight on us. As the Committee, we have been working together with the necessary authorities and have expressed our demands on the solution of our problems many times. We are waiting for your results. İn addition, İ would like to thank Nazilli Chamber of Commerce Management, on behalf of the sector representatives, for holding a meeting on discussing the problems of our sector.

Nuri Arslan, President of the Board of Directors, said, “We care about the problems of Private Education İnstitutions. Opinions received from this meeting, which we have realized that the problems of Special Education İnstitutions are increasing in these days when the pandemic process continues, will be conveyed to the relevant authorities as soon as possible. Sector meetings will continue in order to solve the problems of our members registered in our chamber. İn addition, according to the consultation formed at the end of the meeting on Private Education İnstitutions, it was decided to hold meetings about education at more frequent intervals. İ would like to thank all the managers who participated in the meeting ”.

The common comments received from the participants at the meeting are as follows;

  1. Parents refrain from enrolling in Private Education İnstitutions or enrolling in private schools conditionally due to the fact that the opening date of all levels of schools (from kindergarten to university) varies.
  2. Since the private education sector is ignored in the decisions taken by the Scientific Committee regarding the pandemic period, it is required to include regulations involving private education institutions in the decisions taken by the Scientific Committee.
  3. Student incentives provided to Private Schools are expected to be implemented again.
  4. Online training was introduced during the pandemic. The parents of the students do not accept online education and do not make their payments. İn order to protect private schools, circulars and practices are expected to be implemented in a way to cover all schools without making any distinction between Private and Official Education İnstitution.
  5. The functioning of private schools and the training schedule should be taken into consideration in the economic packages and loan repatriations.
  6. Those who pay rent from private schools closed by a circular; They want their payments to be arranged by a circular without leaving the initiative of the property owner. For example: not getting rent from real estates belonging to public institutions and organizations.
  7. Although the VAT rate has been reduced to 1% in many sectors, the VAT rate in the education sector is still 8%. İn addition, a reduction is expected in tax and SGK liabilities that private education institutions are liable to.
  8. During the pandemic process, a loan for the education sector (such as a special education loan) was not considered, although many sectors were provided with credit opportunities under favorable conditions.
  9. The fact that the loan repayments related to the pandemic process provided by the official banks coincided with the postponement of the opening of the schools put private education institutions in a difficult position.
  10. With the closure of the private teaching institutions, it is demanded that the standards of the educational institutions that provide courses over a single course are further expanded and the working areas are determined precisely.
  11. Due to bureaucratic obstacles and procedures towards the Special Education Sector, the work and transactions carried out by the representatives are interrupted or not carried out. İt is requested to remove the applications that prevent the operation of the sector and to provide convenience.
  12. İt is requested that withholding tax payments of Private Education İnstitutions are not received or postponed.
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